
Hey folks, these are some of my adventures.... Stuff thats been happenin' 'round the 'Verse... ((If you wondering, the Stuff in these blogs are OOC unless your directly involved in the plots. If you see something in the story thats incorrect, let me know so I can fix it.)) Thanks for readin'!

Sunday, April 28, 2013

More Catchin' Up

((Sorry for not keeping up with the blogs. Been a lot going on, both in SL and in RL. While Lily's been away, I've been in charge of caring for Dragon's Egg along with Gallagher and Elix. We want to make sure your experiences there are fun and exciting. If you have questions, ask one of us.))
     "With AuroraBlue back, I felt better knowin' she was safe. but she had a lot to tell me. Well not tell.... More like show me. She ended up writin' on the walls in the companion house, down in the sushi bar. I didn't like what she was showin' me..... Like her goin' back to Al Raqis. Stayin' there cause war was breakin' out. That she was gonna get hitched to K2.... Was all messed up. She didn't like it overmuch, but to get done what needed to be, she had to follow through with it. Only way to stop the bots'". Feelin' frustrated, I threw another empty beer can at the trash can.

     "She tried to tell me it was gonna be dangerous to go back to Al Raqis. I did have an out there in case. The small ship Xoxo made sure I got. Real fast, small, good firepower. Only her and I knew 'bout it, though I think AuroraBlue has an idea of it." Grabbed up another beer and opened it, . Like drinkin' water...

     "Then a few months ago, we had trouble with the Cerberus crew.... Seems Jet's crew decided to handle more aggressively then Jet wanted em to. Elix ended up havin' to come down after Jet's crew shot up some folks and made formal apologies. Folks weren't exactly happy. But then Jet covered damages", walkin' out to the lawn chairs outside.

     "But then more and more we were havin' trouble with Jet and his bunch. Folks bein' shot at. Jet burnin' the contract with BlueSun, Him breakin' into my place. The last straw was him comin' in to confront me at the bar... Well the bar before it got bombed." took another drink and sat down. Could see Juicy in the bakery workin' on a cake someone ordered. "Jet was drunk and mean. It finally ended when Gallagher showed up and took Jet outside to cool down."

      "It was after that, I went back to Al Raqis. Had a delivery then made a stop by Lady Raiko's place. No one was 'round. Not even AuroraBlue. Ended up goin' back home with a lonely feelin'. But then I had work back at home. With the Bar gettin' blown apart in the last Cerberus act, there was a lot of stuff to clear away. Didn't help much.. We had collapsed mine areas b'low, folks to find, and debris to remove from the area." When Juicy got done with her cake, she come out with a fresh biscuit for me. Was gorram good.

"Took a week to get a new bar set up. Pretty easy though. Was a Quonset hut prefab. Pot it b'low the offices at the dock. We ended up havin' a concert down there a few weeks after it was all set up. (Was a live concert, and was real good too.) Folks come from all over to listen to the feller as he sang and played guitar for all of us. Was good to have a night of entertainment and some down time from what all was happin' in the 'Verse."

"But there's more to tell.... Just gotta wait til I finish this here biscuit and beer...."