"Not easy to pull down the carnival and help pack it up. Xoxo was a mite angered we weren't movin' fast 'nough. Was a lot like all the other buildin' what was goin' on with BlueSun of late..." Grabbed up the last of the big bolts that was holdin' the ferris wheel seats and stuck em on the crate what held the rest of the small parts. "Yep... Nothin' like a long day in the heat to do this work.... Hell a bunch of us fellers were out settin' up the new ore refinery a couple months back.... After we opened the mine tunnels what were hid underground. Gettin' rid of the critters what were livin' down there. Most of the others were too scared to go in there cause of the dark. Was nothin' for me. With eyes like mine it was a nice get away from all the bright sun topside."
"Don't know how Xoxo does it. She orders folks 'round and they're too gorram scared to warn her of the dangers.... Like possible cave ins and rock slides... Like one that could take down her fancy house, if the refinery got blown up." Sealin' the cargo box, one of the carny folks came over with a lifter and moved it to the ship. Took a mo to wipe the sweat off my forehead with the back of my sleeve. Woulda been better if it was dark out...
"After all the work settin' up businesses, the factory, openin' the mines, and gettin' rest of the station dismantled.... We had a fire. of all things.. at the glass factory. Had a good idea who it was with her usual fire bombs from a ship deal..... Had to get folks evacuated from the buildin', so I called for help. A few folks showed up to help.... Hell, even Yanto came in to help out.

"Was long after that my dreams went a mite off.... Like I was in a weird place... Huge and full of levels. I could sworn I seen Lily... And could hear Blue somewhere. Mighta been the long work hours or maybe somethin' I ate... Not sure. Singularity.. Now that was somethin' that kept creepin' into my dreams.... That one word." Had to watch my head as the crane swung overhead to lift the upper half of the wheel so it could be taken apart.
"Had to pull apart a 'fly engine for an overhaul. That was a week later.. after the weird dreams. We even had some folks come to do some barterin' for supplies. One of em. Name of September, was her name... wanted to get a look see at the engine while they were there. Sorta an odd crew.. Get the feelin' they mighta been ex-'liance by the way they were talkin' ranks. Not my worry when it comes to trade deals. Coin's coin. You get it when you can. They're wantin' to do more business here, so I told em they were welcome any time."
A couple of the carnys needed help so I got up and lifted one of the struts so they could free a few mountin' pins. pretty big pins at that. Big 'round as my wrist. "Not too long back... maybe a couple weeks, Lily shows up with weird stuff stickin' outa her... Organs by the look... Asked what all she was doin', but she wasn't gonna say. Just acted all strange. I could smell the change in her scent. More human like. Not her usual old self. But then when don't she act weird... Then a couple days back she comes up missin'. Not like her to be gone.. Not like at least leavin' someone to know where all she was goin'. Even brought it up at the town meetin'. For that matter, Rabi's been gone a few days. Her roommate said she was down in the mine the night of that party Xoxo held in one of the caverns."
"Wasn't good that we had folks missin'. Down in the mines wasn't so safe to wander in. But then there's a couple of die hard miners what're livin' down there. Decided to go see if I could track Rabi down and see if she was safe or not. Wasn't gonna trust some gorram fool what never been down there to go lookin'. Knew there were more crevasses one could fall into or pits you could end up in." Liftin' the one frame onto the other was a little easier usin' the crane once it was freed up. "Took a while to search the places that were open, then decided to head off to the more open areas... That's where I found her. Pinned under a bent wood brace. She was alive but hurt. Had to lift the brace and shift it away from her so I could carry her back to town. The doc was waitin' for us. She made Ketterley and I wait outside while she worked on Rabi."
"Got real worried for her. She's a nice woman, pretty and friendly. Not like the other 'liance soldiers. Guess I'm sorta drawn to the folks what're out of the ordinary. Doc worked on her then called for a medical assist to transport Rabi to someplace else for care. Didn't sound good. The doc said she was in good hands. That got me spooked.... BlueSun says that in their stupid ads. But then the doc isn't workin' for em. She's been for the colony no matter what."
With the parts separated it was easy to stack everythin' and tie it all down to the pallets for transport. "Trust the doc a hell of a lot more'n I trust Xoxo. The a few days back Was on Al Raqis.... Had to go. AuroraBlue was in some kinda trouble. I could 'feel' it. Headed to Wadi Emit. That's where she was. Someone was holdin' her there at Reiko's place. Turned out to be Abraham and his bunch. I told em to let her go. Some woman called Blue said not til she gave over the key and the ship AuroraBlue stole from em. Told em I'd get the info from the little one without anyone gettin' hurt. Didn't take long b'fore they had what they wanted.... 'Bout the time the myrmidon's showed up... Now the pot was startin' to boil over. They wanted to take AuroraBlue with em.... She was so sad when she come up to me. I damn near wasn't gonna let her go... but then that'd be breakin' a near fragile peace as was with the myrmidons." Tore me up inside to let go of her.... Could only hope I could get her back.. or she could get away."
((OOC: Have been working on the mines and setting up housing. Finishing builds so everything'd be ready for players :). Dragon's Egg has more to do now and places to RP in! Now it's back to RP! Hopin' I haven't missed anything, heheheheh.))