
Hey folks, these are some of my adventures.... Stuff thats been happenin' 'round the 'Verse... ((If you wondering, the Stuff in these blogs are OOC unless your directly involved in the plots. If you see something in the story thats incorrect, let me know so I can fix it.)) Thanks for readin'!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Big Deals...

"Ok... so there I was.... Wait.... no. Wasn't there for when Lily flipped her dune buggy. But was when I had to flip the thing off her. Wasn't good. She was out. Fluid comin' out her nose... And not snot neither. Called for help and a few folks came. One of the ladies was a medic. The other was from Jet's crew. Then for the first time a long while I heard a familiar voice..... Blue. He told me to get her to K2 fast. Not sure why all I needed to when a medical place would be better.. Didn't question Blue. Just did it. Took Xoxo's ship and flew to where I was guided."

Checkin' the avacados, fresh from freeze, are pretty gorram good. Sent a few to the local produce shop. "Ended up stealin' Xoxo's ship and usin' her access to get Lily to the destination. She woke after a short while. Groggy but awake. Had to leave quick though. Needed to get the ship back Or have Xoxo callin' in the 'laince to find me... And her ship. Either that or her sendin' out her personal secretary. Woman is dangerous.... Somethin' 'bout her that's cold. Not sure why all that is."

"Headed out to Al Raqis. Needed to pick some stuff up and drop some small crates to the local market from BlueSun. Found out we got a new embassy for Dragon's Egg. Its pretty close to where the landsraat is. Speakin' of... One was in session. And sure 'nough Lily was in the center of it... Was talkin' more like a rep speaker then her own self. She was goin' on 'bout dishonor of the myrmidons and her mate. Reiko stood up for her. Said she'd side with the mirydons too." Prepped the rest of the shipment of avacados for transport to paquin to see if they'd like some.


"What got me riled was not just how the rest of the 'starborn' were treatin' the natives here, but one even made a pretty gorram low comment of Lily. Damn near jumped the rail to punch in his pinched face. Feller was from that Starfleet. Rude was all I could think. He disappearred in some strange teleportation light, b'fore I could get to him after the meetin' was done. Even stood up and made my say on how the 'starborn' didn't give a damn 'bout the natives. Was like the stories I was told as a kid. Then ArouraBlue showed up. Lily was gorram mad at seein' her and pushed her down just as the meetin' was finishin'. Wasn't good AuroraBlue pretty much 'told' me she was headin' to find K2. That meant trouble there too. Nothin' was gonna stop her. Not even me....."

Sealed the cargo container then started the loading onto the Monster so I could get it to Paquin. "After the meetin', went to the embassy to see what they needed me to ship over so they could fancy up the place.When I got my own self back to Dragon's Egg, had some stuff waitin' for me and a few messages.One was for a shipment comin' from Al Raqis for two metric tons of sand. Took me a mo to figure it was for Lily.... Her kid K2. In the meantime, had an 'liance soldier stop me. Figured she was gonna haul my gorram backside to jail for somethin'. It had to do with out of date papers. Needed new passports and such.... One thin' stood out with her... She wasn't a human type person. Not sure why, but found my own self stammerrin' 'round her..."

"She talked to me 'bout paperwork and the 'liance... Was worried they weren't gonna let her stay on cause of her not bein' able to breathe our air. Didn't know folks what had those problems. Maybe it was allergies or somethin'. So she changed into a suit that helped her out. Ended up soundin' like a school boy datin' for the first time. Least no one else was 'round to hear me makin' a gorram fool of my own self." Once the container was in, securin' it to the floor was easy.

"When I got home, went to talk to the doc 'bout stuff. Stuff like Lily changin', my weird nightmares. Seems they been real vivid... Either that or I'm startin' to sleepwalk. Found myself outside the tower office. Doc thinks its stress and such. I s'pose so. The shipment of sand come in... Ra showed up... Ra's the 'liance soldier who has that breathin' problem. She was there to check the cargo. All legit. After that the crew left. As I went down to the lower level, spotted Xoxo comin' She wanted to know if her shipment came in from some mill. Told her it was in, but she went on up to wait for it. She was a mite rushed for it to come in."

"Wasn't gonna surprise me if she don't go snoopin' into the sand boxes., had to chuckle at that. "Lily's sand boxes. Wasn't gonna tell Xoxo who it was for. None of her gorram business. But then Xoxo ain't b'yond findin' deals in anythin'. Even sand. Sand from Al Raqis...."